UNTER BETON I – Ulrike Kötz.
Invited by Christian Gode and Milo Koepp.
26 january – 9 march, 2019
opening friday, 25 january, 2019, 7 p.m.
finissage saturday, 9 march, 2019, 4 p.m.

UNTER BETON II – Britta Frechen.
Invited by Christian Gode and Milo Koepp.
16 march – 27 april, 2019
opening friday, 15 march, 2019, 7 p.m.
finissage saturday, 27 april, 2019, 4 p.m.

Two artists show consecutive exhibitions to a given comprehensive theme. The first subject is UNTER BETON (UNDER CONCRETE).
The artists are invited by Prof. Milo Köpp and Christian Gode, whereas Prof. Köpp will mainly invite former students of the HBK Essen and Christian Gode possibly transregional artists. The final selection and the curation of the exhibitions will be done cooperatively. The two exhibitions will be realised separately, but with the aim to visualize connections and differences of artistic strategies in dealing with the same subject and context. The +basement space with its specific conditions and the given subject are the starting points for two different artistic examinations. The two different perspectives on the subject will be made visible through a concluding documentation.